Archive for the ‘Tools & Gadgets’ Category

Pencil Me In

My son took the PSAT yesterday, the first of several rites of passage from high school to college that will be determined by a #2 pencil. Just what is the significance of the #2 pencil you might ask?  Well, you are in luck. Here’s the Reader’s Digest version. Pencils have been around since the discovery of […]

How to Get Your Man to Help Around the House More

Okay, all or most of my male readers just clicked this post closed.  But guys, if you are intrepid enough (and confident in your masculinity), stick with me. I’ll have something just for you at the end of the blog. At our house, my husband and I have a sort of division of chores. I handle indoors, […]

Living Analog in a Digital World

The other morning, my husband purchased a new computer and got it set up in our office before the kids got home from school. The moment our son walked through the door that afternoon, he said “You got a new computer!” He hadn’t yet stepped into our office and couldn’t see it, and all the […]

Help! I’ve run out of…

We’ve all been there. You reach for your trusty       [insert gadget, cooking ingredient or beauty item here]     only to find out that somene has used it up and not replaced it, or moved it where you can’t find it.  Here are some of my favorite handy substitutes that I have used over the years — some I discovered […]

Look, Mom, No Hands!

From the time I was a toddler, I realized I didn’t like to get my hands dirty. Other kids loved to play in the dirt digging up writhing earthworms, or finger painting with the squishy, gelatinous colors. Not me. I even use a knife and fork to eat BBQ ribs and pizza. Now I’m not […]