Look, Mom, No Hands!

Hands free soap dispenser

Simple Human Hands-Free Soap Dispenser

From the time I was a toddler, I realized I didn’t like to get my hands dirty. Other kids loved to play in the dirt digging up writhing earthworms, or finger painting with the squishy, gelatinous colors. Not me. I even use a knife and fork to eat BBQ ribs and pizza. Now I’m not one of those germaphobes who won’t shake hands with people or touch a public door knob. I just don’t like dirty stuff on my hands. And if my hands do get dirty, I don’t want to smear the grime all over everything else.

If you share my predilection for keeping things gunk-free, then you may find these two items very helpful: a hands-free soap dispenser and hands-free (and foot-pedal-free) garbage can.  To get a quick squirt of your favorite lotion soap, just place your hand under the sensor of the soap machine.  The device runs on batteries and you can adjust the amount of liquid it dispenses.

Motion sensor trash can

Nine Stars Infrared Trash Can

Okay, this product I love even more than my soap dispenser.  It’s a motion sensor trash can.  No pedals, no buttons.  Just wave your hand over the sensor and a motor quietly opens the lid for you then closes it after a few seconds. It’s perfect for the kitchen when you have your hands full of messy garbage.  And best of all, it’s fun!  Even my kids are better about cleaning up after themselves because they can use the touchfree trash can!


  1. Thanks for writing about this. There’s a bunch of solid tech info on the internet. You’ve got a lot of that info here on your website. I’m impressed – I try to keep a couple blogs pretty ongoing, but it’s a struggle sometimes. You’ve done a great job with this one. How do you do it?

  2. dkillo says:

    Thanks, Ronald, for the comment. I enjoy helping people and hope that info I post will be useful to my readers. I try to look for inspiration everywhere, even in the most mundane of places. Best of luck to you.

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