Giving Doesn’t Have to Cost an Arm and a Leg

prosthetic legsMany of us are experiencing tough economic times. Then we see the earthquake in Haiti and the devastation and heartache it is causing, and our perspectives change. I count my blessings that I have a roof over my head, running water, food and my family close and healthy. 

I made a donation to the relief efforts, but would like to do more despite limited funds. Then I heard about a great opportunity for me to give something to the cause that I already have but don’t use anymore… old prosthetic limbs. I’ve been an amputee for more than 30 years. I have at least two outdated limbs just gathering dust in the back of my closet. 

Physicians for Peace is accepting donations of new and used artificial limbs that can be refurbished and supplied to patients in Haiti.  So many Haitians have been injured and have lost limbs as a result of the earthquake. This is a chance for me to give more, and all it will cost me is a quick drive to a local prosthetist’s office. Visit for more information.

Don’t have a spare limb? Maybe you have an old cell phone to give to The Wireless Foundation’s Call to Protect campaign providing refurbished phones to victims of domestic abuse, or old eye glasses you can contribute to New Eyes for the Needy. You might even have a car to donate to Habitat for Humanity’s Cars for Homes.  Don’t have material goods to donate? Then give of your time–the greatest gift of all.